ESPIRITISMO is an amazing Caribbean tradition! In this workshop, Baba Michael teaches the history and practical hands-on skills of this fascinating practice.
Focusing on the Ancestors and the Spirit Guides of the individuals Quadro Espiritual, or spiritual court, the practices of Espiritismo are foundational spirit work that can be brought to ANY tradition! You wont want to miss this class! From building an espiritimo altar at home to Misas, the possessory seances through which guides bring Evidencia, advice and treatment, Baba Michael will guide us into the spirit world!
Space is limited to 10 participants (We will GLADLY schedule additional classes if space fills). Class will begin at 7pm, Monday the 9th of April, at The Dark Lady of New Orleans, 5715 1/2 Magazine St, Uptown. Class registration is 40$ payable in advance. Link for tickets below.
Baba Michael is an Lukumi Obatala priest, cowrie shell diviner and Babalorisha (Father of the Orisha/priest who initiates other priests) with more than 28 years of initiation. Known to many people in the religious community as Michael Obatala. He is an ordained priest dedicated to the Orisha Obatala in the Afro-Cuban Lukumí Tradition. This system of Orisha worship derives from the Traditional Yoruba Religion of Nigeria and Benin, West Africa, which is an ancient body of wisdom that utilizes the knowledge of nature to access divine power (known as Ashé) to benefit the lives of its practitioners.
Baba Michael was initiated into Atare lineage of Matanzas, Cuba 1990. The Atare lineage was founded by enslaved Yoruba man, Esu Bi, also known as Jose “Pata Palo” Urquiola. Since his initiation as an Obatala priest, he has studied Afro-Cuban, Afro-Brazzillian Orisha practices as well as Afro-Cuban Espiritismo Cruzado. He has practiced Orisha spiritual tradition since 1985. He has practiced in California, New York, Florida, Louisiana and Spain.
He currently resides and works in New Orleans, Louisiana.